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I'm know this has been discussed before, so sorry for the repeat post. I haven't lost my voice in several years (at least not beyond slight tiredness), but it is just about gone right now following a slight cold. I can barely speak, much less sing. I don't have many days and have to save them for my son's doctor appointments. I need ideas! What do you do on days that you have to teach but have no voice? I would feel comfortable showing maybe 10-15 minutes of a video, but not more than that. I also have several books on CD.
Aymes Hi there, Sorry to hear about your voice. As a vocal/general music teacher, I understand what you are saying.....I teach grades k-5. For the older kids (gr 2-5) we have books so I made up worksheets where the students can work in partner groups to find questions about songs etc in the books. I have them on hand....already copied, ready to go in cas...See More
Oct 8, 2014

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