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I have an after school chorus for 4th and 5th graders. I generally don't have major behavior issues with the students in regular music classes during the school day, but during chorus, I sometimes feel like I have a total lack of behavior management skills. They have to go to the bathroom, they call out, they have questions about everything, one person gets a headache and then all of a sudden 4 more students have headaches, etc. I use Music K-8 materials for music, so I don't think a dislike of the music is an issue.

What types of things do you do to keep students engaged during rehearsals? I'm looking for things beyond "kick them out." That should be a last resort. What do you do to motivate to do their best and then what consequences do you have before kicking them out?
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Betty Ann One other thought. Have you specifically asked the kids if THEY want to be in the chorus? (as opposed to their mom thought it was a good idea, a friend was joining, etc.) I wouldn't ask in any sort of accusatory tone and I would let them know that you'd love to have them in chorus--if they want to belong.

On 10/27/14, Mrs H wrote: > Aft...See More
Oct 27, 2014
lis I try to incorporate movement. Intersperse a singing warm-up game in between long periods of concentration. maybe break the period into smaller chunks of heavy concentration with short attention getters in between. Kids need to move at the end of a long day.

On 10/27/14, Betty Ann wrote: > One other thought. Have you specifically asked ...See More
Oct 28, 2014
bec I have 5th grade gen. music class the last period of the day and they have checked out by then. I bet that if you changed your rehearsals to before-school, you would have much better results. I occasionally (2-3 times a year maybe) have to have after school rehearsals and I give them a half hour recess and a snack before we start. There is no way I...See More
Nov 5, 2014
Gary I remember about 7 years ago with my 8th grade Honor Choir during the concert, one girl was combing the girls hair in front of her during the concert. I was running 103 fever at the time and trying to get through the concert. My principal called me in and told me that I didn't have control of the students on the risers. That was the only thing that...See More
Nov 13, 2014
wayne I rehearse choir two days a week before school...I think that makes a difference. I don't normally have behavior problems, but if I do, I e-mail the parent and let them know that it has to be corrected if they are going to remain in the group.

My parents sign an enrollment form at the first of the year with choir requirements. It states th...See More
Nov 18, 2014

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