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I teach elementary and have started a mallet ensemble for my kiddos but we need a name! Some of our pieces will be from Walt Hampton's Hot Marimba and Marimba Mojo books, but we'll also play some tunes from the Orff volumes and things I've picked up at workshops and conferences along the way. A few names my kids have come up with so far are...

-Mallet Band

-The Malleteers

-Mallet Masters

-Mallet Musicians (or Musicians with Mallets)

I kind of like the alliteration with M in the title, but our school name starts with S, so maybe something with that? Our choir is the Sonoma Singers, so maybe..

-Sonoma Strikers (Cuz you strike the bars with the mallets! Or does that sound like a boxing league?)

Anyway, we're open to suggestions. :-) Thanks in advance!

I like Mallet Masters On 12/01/14, JazzyGal wrote: > I teach elementary and have started a mallet ensemble for > my kiddos but we need a name! Some of our pieces will be > from Walt Hampton's Hot Marimba and Marimba Mojo books, but > we'll also play some tunes from the Orff volumes and things > I've picked up at workshops and conferences along the way. &g...See More
Dec 1, 2014
Charlotte I agree. Sonoma Mallet Masters!
Dec 2, 2014
DonnaR/CA On 12/01/14, JazzyGal wrote:

Percussion Plus?

Dec 3, 2014
bec When I had an instrumental group (recorders and Orff) my husband thought we should call the the "Instrumental Music Performers : IMPS. It was a very fitting title for them!
Dec 3, 2014
lis I had a friend who named her group "Treblemakers"!

On 12/03/14, bec wrote: > When I had an instrumental group (recorders and Orff) my > husband thought we should call the the "Instrumental Music > Performers : IMPS. It was a very fitting title for them!
Dec 12, 2014

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