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Just wondering....and don't know who else to bounce this off of. We have a few students in our school who misbehave all the time. They have been referred for this, it's not just small it was 'I will kill you and stab your eyes out." He said this to a class mate. this was a 2nd grader. So the teacher referred this student to the office. He ended up coming back to his class....still escalated in this behavior. The same student later kicked and punched another student. ok isn't that assault and threats?

He was not sent home, not suspended.... another student knows he gets 'breaks' when he 'needs' them he is all over the place. Kids are afraid to sit next to him since he is rolling, kicking etc. He goofs around so he gets his breaks and gets to go to the office to 'have crackers and to play'. He entered my room today after his 'break' with the asst. principal. The asst. principal came in to drop him off, the student ran in, rolled over repeate...See More
Bev Iris If you aren't getting support from on site admins, time to either get the Union involved (YOU have the right to be in a least restrictive environment too!) As do your students.

This kid needs help big time.

Speak to your Union rep if you must.

Or the school psychologist, if you're lucky enough to have one on site, and d...See More
Jan 13, 2015
anon reply It is also interesting what happens when the parents of the 'impacted' students being up the concern.

As far as breaks - those should be plan written with some type of constraints, where student goes, how long may stay and etc. Log the info and look for patterns.

Video in the classroom/school may have State by State guidelines to...See More
Jan 15, 2015

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