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Just wondering about other schools. Our school has the morning news at the beginning of the day. It's done by the children (elementary). We have NO music in the morning at all, although I have asked to have patriotic music played before the news and so far we haven't been able to do it. I was wondering what other schools do about music on the intercom in the mornings. If your school has it, what's the format like? I think it would be a great way to start the day and remind students of those patriotic songs they're supposed to be learning!
wayne We have music prior to our morning news over our closed circuit TV/intercom. I do not have control of the selections played...the office staff does...they play a mixture...patriotic, pop, music for holidays, etc. They will do something specific if I request it. An announcement comes over our intercom every morning for everyone to pause for a momen...See More
Jan 15, 2015
Mrs H We use 3 tone bells - years ago I lent the office 3 of my chromatic bells that I don't use as often and a mallet. The kids play Db-Gb-Bb, Bb-Gb-Db at the start of morning announcements. (We're audio only for announcements.) We're a K-5 building, and the announcers are all 5th graders. I'm the announcer adviser, as well. On Veterans' Day, I had a gr...See More
Jan 16, 2015

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