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Are there any music teachers in Missouri doing SLO's. I looked on the DESE website on the toolbox and printed off the SLO template. My principal want all the teachers to do SLO's on all assignments. We use the SIS system and record all our lesson plans on it and my principal told me I had to have an assignment everyday with point possible and describe how I will evaluate for those points. If anyone out there from another state does this, would you be able to help me. If you want to look at the Missouri form. go to DESE ( Dept of Elem and SEC Ed for MO) and go to tool box and click on SLO's. Any help would be appreciated.
mocrystal Hi Gary,

We are doing SLOs in my district, but not to the extent you are. One for every lesson sounds crazy!!!!! From what I understand, SLOs are to show growth, so we do two SLOs per year and administer the same assessment at the start and end of the unit. I don't know how you are expected to show growth in every single lesson. It sounds ...See More
Jan 28, 2015
Gary On 1/28/15, mocrystal wrote: > Hi Gary, > > We are doing SLOs in my district, but not to the extent you > are. One for every lesson sounds crazy!!!!! From what I > understand, SLOs are to show growth, so we do two SLOs per > year and administer the same assessment at the start and > end of the unit. I don't know how you are exp...See More
Jan 30, 2015
mocrystal Where do you teach in Missouri?

It sounds like what he really wants are smart goals, not SLOs. If that is the case, you could have a goal like 90&37; of whatever students will be able to perform this song with 95&37; accuracy using such and such rubric. SLOs are much more involved. They start with a smart goal, but then require pr...See More
Jan 30, 2015
gary On 1/30/15, mocrystal wrote:
> Where do you teach in Missouri?
> It sounds like what he really wants are smart goals, not
> SLOs. If that is the case, you could have a goal like 90&37;
> of whatever students will be able to perform this song
> with 95&37; accuracy using such and such rubric. SLOs are...See More
Feb 2, 2015

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