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Is anyone else experiencing a 4th grade laziness trend with beginning band? Last year my 4th grade was amazing..I was able to get through our entire lesson book and onto book 2. (For my students, this is an accomplishment) This year my 4th grade band, mainly my trumpets, cannot play past a C. They have been with me since September and again are not able to do anything. They are not practicing, half of them do not have books ( I do not have enough money in my budget to purchase books for them.) I do not know if it is a combination of not knowing what to practice, how to practice, or like I said just pure laziness. My band classes this year are tight time wise. I feel so incredibly rushed because I have to walk them to and from their lessons. Their classroom teachers rarely let the kids out on time and I have had to double up with lessons so them trumpets are not the only instrument in their lessons, but I spend the majority of my time addressing their "issues." I am looking fo...See More
Eddie Lewis I've been teaching trumpet lessons since 1980. I've taught literally hundreds of beginners over the course of my career. It is not uncommon for fourth graders to have difficulty playing up to tuning note C. Some do well at that age, but not all. I do believe it is a physical development thing.

My approach is to give them more to practice ...See More
Jan 26, 2015
Lazy? Or have only had 13-14 lessons? Maybe your program is set up differently than many. But, most that start in grade 4 have once a week lessons.

You probably didn't have lessons the first week or so of school, as you were likely in the sign up process.

So, have these kids even had more than about 13-14 lessons?

Our grade 4/5 program has the goal to finish ...See More
Jan 26, 2015

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