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I got an iPad for my classroom, and I might try for a grant to get more. I'm hoping to do more than download a bunch of apps for the kids to use for play (though I will probably do that for centers days). How do you use iPads in an interactive way in your classroom? I will have access to that mirroring technology, which will allow me to display whatever is on the iPad on my smart board. I would love to incorporate composition or other types of creativity. My kids are kindergarten through second grade. Thanks!
Val Notability for rhythm dictation Notability for note taking. Tabletop free version for composition. GarageBand if you can afford getting it on all iPads Mlm from Alfred Melody street Percussiveinstruments 360 Thumb jam Fruity loops Note perfect Class dojo Blob chorus Itooch music Puffin browser

On 2/03/15, Charlotte wrote: > I got an iPa...See More
Feb 3, 2015

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