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As a music teacher, it's so frustrating to try and teach with that nagging cough (that lasts for weeks) each year. I can't stay home just because of a cough, when the rest of me feels fine, and I don't wish to, anyhow. Do you guys have any tricks to talk and sing less while teaching Music during this coughing season? I don't want to resort to showing movies. (That was last week!) Any ideas?
JJ-AZ I came across some neat Carnival of the Animals activities on Teachers pay Teachers website by Tracy King - The Bulletin Board Lady. They were only $4 and called "Carnival of the Animals Listening Logs-Listening Journals" if you want to search for it on their site. Geared toward K-3.

Anyway, there are different versions of each a...See More
Feb 4, 2015
Charlotte With some classes, I've been able to make it a game. I try to communicate everything to them without speaking, and they do the same. Obviously it can't last the entire music class, but I was surprised at how much time I could fill. For example, I could teach a dance without talking, we could practice conducting and following skills while singing (h...See More
Feb 4, 2015
Joanne Thanks so much!

On 2/04/15, Charlotte wrote: > With some classes, I've been able to make it a game. I try to > communicate everything to them without speaking, and they do > the same. Obviously it can't last the entire music class, but > I was surprised at how much time I could fill. For example, I > could teach a dance with...See More
Feb 8, 2015
Joanne These look great! Thanks!

On 2/04/15, JJ-AZ wrote: > I came across some neat Carnival of the Animals activities on > Teachers pay Teachers website by Tracy King - The Bulletin > Board Lady. They were only $4 and called "Carnival of the > Animals Listening Logs-Listening Journals" if you want to > search for it on t...See More
Feb 8, 2015

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