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Do your principals insist that you teach music like a

classroom teachers teaches - same format lesson plans,

specify how the objective should be written, etc? If we

are using a Kodaly format, it really isn't correct to say

we are going to prepare for s0 mi, etc. I just feel

like we are so overmanaged sometimes.
Veuzent First, I will say I retired three years ago so am not certain how my replacement is handling the lesson plan format now. However, when I was teaching I did use the approved format for two reasons: 1) I was showing my colleagues I could be a team player and 2) I was demonstrating that music is an academic curriculum and worth maintaining in our scho...See More
Feb 5, 2015
Mrs H I'm facing the same thing right now. To maintain the discovery learning of the Kodaly method, I'm trying to use I Can statements that are just vague enough, like "I Can discover a new pitch." Or "I Can read a rhythm with four sounds to a beat." Fortunately my evaluating principal is interested in hearing more about the method, a...See More
Feb 6, 2015

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