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Hi All, I am really just voicing frustration about my position after10 years in. I work for a school that has had 3 different principals within the 10 years I have worked here. This current principal is all about sports. Everything with him is about sports. He says he supports the arts and is all for them but in general that is all "lip service" I'm finding out. At least with me. I just had a February concert which I was really proud of. The kids did a wonderful job. The principal came up to me at the end and said it was a wonderful concert. The next day we all receive a memo I which the concert was mentioned. My principal thanks the classroom teachers and other staff involved for putting on a great performance but never mentions my name! To make me feel even more frustrated we received another memo this past Friday. In this one he thanked a 5th grade teacher for all she did for our students with our "duct tape derby." It was a great event for our students and commu...See More
anon too I honestly try to ignore all that kind of banter. I had the same kind of situation with my winter concert. My admins were very kind and thoughtful, but not one teacher congratulated me the next day. And on that very next day a long chain e-mail went out about how wonderful a reading teacher was for organizing a during-school event. S/he got like 20...See More
Feb 25, 2015
mocrystal I totally get this. It is really annoying and frustrating when you just want a little recognition. However, I have found that getting feedback from the students and parents is ten times more rewarding than getting it from my peers. I am not doing any of this for my co-workers, and really, neither are you. Your principal did say that it was a wonder...See More
Feb 25, 2015
gary On 2/24/15, Anon. wrote: > Hi All, > I am really just voicing frustration about my position > after10 years in. I work for a school that has had 3 > different principals within the 10 years I have worked > here. This current principal is all about sports. Everything > with him is about sports. He says he supports the arts > and...See More
Mar 10, 2015

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