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Hi all.

I teach a 2-week intensive ukulele program for 3-5 twice per year. 3 hours per day. The time is broken up into ukulele, dancing, lunch, and recess.

I'm thinking of starting centers for it.

They would be:

1. working in groups of 2-3 with me 2. plucking single strings 3. strumming chords 4. practicing rhythm 5. practicing treble clef notes 6. working on songs

Do you have any awesome suggestions for games for rhythm and treble clef notes for 2-3 students at a center?

Melinda One center activity I do with recorders is have a card with 6 different one-measure melodies numbered 1-6 and a die to roll. The treble clef notes can be any you've been working on in class. One student rolls the die then plays the melody that corresponds to the number on the die. It can be used with any pitched instrument and the kids love it! ...See More
Apr 8, 2015
Anne You could do matching letter names to the staff. That could be a worksheet, or you could do it with manipulatives. One I've seen is plastic easter eggs- one side has the letter, the other has the note on the staff, and you have to match the halves up. You could also have them play staff twister- make a giant floor staff, and either use a spinner or...See More
Apr 9, 2015

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