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Hey everyone! It's been a LONG time since I've been on this board! I hope you all are doing great! I've been busy, busy, busy! The year has been pretty good, but of course, it's April, and I'm thinking about the best ways to store the materials I've picked up this year.

Here's the thing. I went to a workshop on Saturday, and became COMPLETELY inspired with ideas for my students! I love having workshops like that where I walk away and want to be an even better teacher! However, for this to happen, I need organizational help! I know I need to use more visuals and manipulatives for my students -- and for formative assessments -- but of course, the problem is where and how to store them.

So, how do you store your hands-on items for your kids? By skill? By grade level? In boxes? In bags? Best ideas are appreciated! Thanks!

Charlotte Oh my goodness, I need to get ideas about this, too. Artie Almeida was at our in-service conference, and I asked her how she stores the TONS of materials that she uses. She said she hangs things from the walls. Haha. She also said she has two large closets. Grumble. I have NO closing storage, and I dislike the cluttered look of stuff piled onto ope...See More
Apr 14, 2015
joyfulmusicteacher Snip > So, how do you store your hands-on items for your kids? By > skill? By grade level? In boxes? In bags? Best ideas > are appreciated! Thanks! > > kitmusic/OK

I just googled music teacher storage ideas

and got several wonderful links, including some pinterest things from other music teachers.

Sorry, ca...See More
Apr 15, 2015
Garland/GA I have some colorful soft boxes I got at Target for about $5 apiece. They fit perfectly on my shelves. One has puppets, 2 have instruments I use a lot, another has rhythm manipulatives, another melodic manipulatives, and the other is a hodgepodge of beat balls (squishy things the kids can keep the beat on) and vocal exploration tools (pinwheels, sl...See More
Apr 21, 2015

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