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After teaching 10 years with two music teachers at my school I am going to the only teacher next year. Okay I know I am spoiled, but I am really worried about how to do programs etc with only one teacher. We usually have one directing, one accompanying or maybe running the sound system or seeing the kids on and off the stage. How do you do it all by yourself? We have a large choir now - almost 100 students. Can't do that next year. I am even worried about combining 30 4th and 30 5th graders. Argh - ordering recorders that come in 7 colors for for 280 4th and 5th grade students. Then there is making scenery or hanging decorations: one to hold the ladder....... Our school has a reputation for having good choirs, etc. I am so afraid that I will lose all that next year - seeing the kids only one a week.
Recruit help You can definitely still have choirs of 100. I always have, and am the only music teacher.

Couple of ideas: work together with other department members. Volunteer to go help at their school concert in trade for them coming to yours.

Or get classroom teachers or PTO people willing to help.

Have a student teacher, or obser...See More
Apr 20, 2015
DonnaR/CA Parent help!

I always had about 50+ in our elementary school musical, a program that I ran by myself after school. PARENTS did the scenery, the costumes, supervised backstage. I got a friend to do my sound for me so that I didn't have to worry about it. When we were able to perform at the MS stage, we had a dad who volunteered to do the li...See More
Apr 23, 2015

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