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I've been having informances with all of my kindergarten and 1st grade classes for many years. This year I'm doing a total of 21 in the next two weeks!

I'm really thinking of making a change for next year.

I really like the informances...the fact that parents get to see what we do in the music classroom...but I would like to get away from doing so many.

Have any of you done informances with more than one class involved...maybe on stage?

Just not sure how to go about this!
Charlotte I do something that's halfway between informance and performance. I'm lucky enough to have fantastic coworkers in our school's art and PE teachers, and the three of us work together to put together a program for each grade. All classes stand on the risers and sing an opening song. Then, each class goes on the stage to perform a dance from PE and a ...See More
Apr 28, 2015
wayne Thanks for the idea Charlotte. I'm on my 17th of 21 informances today. They have gone pretty well...even though it's been a long two weeks for me!

On 4/28/15, Charlotte wrote: > I do something that's halfway between informance and > performance. I'm lucky enough to have fantastic coworkers > in our school's art and PE teachers, an...See More
May 5, 2015

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