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Don't know if anyone will see this today, but...

We're having a whole school assembly today and during it, there's going to be a 10 minute transition time, where stuff is moved and 2 big performance groups change places. They want me to "do something" to keep the kids occupied.

Ideas? 5-10 minutes. VERY LITTLE space. The gym will be packed.

I was thinking of teaching my classes today 2-3 Move Its from Feierabend...but classes never really LOVE those. I don't have any other ideas. Trying to yell out a song will be futile. I think I may have to stick with the Move Its. I can have my 4 classes from today be the leaders and everyone else follow.
musicalmichele Do a rain storm! wind/rubbing hands together; beginning raindrops/snaps get faster and faster; hard rain/patting legs; and occassional thunder clap/clap hands, etc. Start small and build, then let the storm die down little by little. Lots of fun. If you're not familiar with it, I think I saw a youtube video once ;-)
May 6, 2015
JJ-AZ Play a popular song (I still use I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas - the kids love it) and do follow the leader steady beat actions for whole group to copy. You can keep them simple: patting, clapping, windshield wipers, etc., then add combo actions: pat-clap, pat-clap, or even do some "dance" moves like Eygptian arms (that's what my...See More
May 6, 2015
Anne Do a fun cumulative song like An Austrian Went Yodeling, and let the kids suggest the characters and movements.
May 7, 2015
DonnaR/CA Too late for this year, but keep these in mind for a different time:

The Tooty Ta (search YouTube) A Rootchy-Cha (similar, on a BoyScout site) Mother Goony Bird

For a Christmas assembly, do a YouTube search for "Sleigh Ride" with choreography (HSES Christmas Sing-Along).

May 9, 2015

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