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Hi All~ I need some help. I see my third graders recorder groups ( I have 3 ) once every 6 days; becuase of this sometimes I don't see them for 2 weeks. We didn't get very far this year. I need help with how to get the kids to practice WITHOUT their recorders. While everyone has a recorder to play in class I DON"T allow them to go home because I will never see the recorders again. I have in the past let my kids take their recorders home and then they never return on class day. It's frustrating to keep reteaching the same concept over and over because they don't practice outside of school. Any ideas on how I can help my kids practice and learn more? This is Elementary school and I can't pull the kids to come and practice because GOD FORBID you ask for a student during the HOLY periods of ELA and MATH! Thanks in advance for the help. Feeling defeated!
JJ-AZ I have had the same problem over the years. Taking them home is out of the question, so we decided to start selling recorders at school for kids to buy and then they WOULD have one to practice at home with. I purchase the Yamaha translucent recorders in blue, green, and pink which the kids love because the colors are cool. It's a quality instrument...See More
May 21, 2015
miz That's cool. I never thought of having them buy them....but they probably wouldn't remember to bring them to class anyway. I did, however, let them take them home after parents signed a note saying it was ok and they would pay $5 if one got broken or lost. That worked very well because the kids didn't want their parents on their back!! I, also, bou...See More
May 21, 2015

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