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I am at th end of my first year teaching at a private high school. I teach 5 periods and have one advance women's ensemble. I had all of the girls re-audition so that I can hear how each one has grown. A student, who didn't like me as the new teacher, was rude to me all year, talked back to me, negative in class, and talked badly about other students. I asked her a few questions during her audition about her owning up to her actions and all she could say was "I see what you're saying. I don't know how to answer that."

Based on this knowledge alone, would you let her in or let her sit out. (She will be a senior next year)
Mrs H I would ask her if she wants to be in the group, and if so, why. Then you could make it a provisional acceptance, letting her know that if she isn't on board with the way you do things, then you will conference with her and her parents regarding her continued membership in the group. Be sure to get your principal's backing for this plan first, thou...See More
Jun 1, 2015
bec I teach and elementary auditioned choir and I would never let someone stay in the group who has such an attitude. In fact, I have decided that this year, their attitude is more important than their talent. It is not fair to the other kids to have someone in there who brings them down and isn't committed to supporting the group.
Jun 4, 2015

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