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I am trying to get a sense of a typical class load for other elementary school music teachers? I feel like my schedule is fairly heavy but am not positive. I have 4th and 5th graders, 33 classes per week (which includes 4 beginning band/orchestra sections, and 29 general music), 45 minutes long, just under 700 students. In addition this past year I had 4 days of 20 minute lunch duty.

I'm hoping others would be willing to share their schedule?
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Totally Anonymous I would like to be totally anonymous since I have a pretty great schedule. I am one of 3 music teachers in a large elementary school. I see 13 K-3 classes each week for 45 minutes each. I also see 4th grade choir twice per week and 5th grade choir twice per week, during the school day. I have quite a bit of extra time, but it is used to cover other...See More
Jun 8, 2015
Mrs H I teach K-5 in 2 schools, with a total of about 520 students. I get everyone once a week for 45 minutes, and then I get one class each K-5 a second time, also for 45 minutes. That one class rotates each quarter (we have 4 classes per grade level between the 2 schools). 6 classes a day.
Jun 8, 2015
Anon On 6/08/15, Totally Anonymous wrote: > I would like to be totally anonymous since I have a pretty > great schedule. I am one of 3 music teachers in a large > elementary school. I see 13 K-3 classes each week for 45 > minutes each. I also see 4th grade choir twice per week and > 5th grade choir twice per week, during the school day. I...See More
Jun 12, 2015
Anon On 6/12/15, Anon wrote: > On 6/08/15, Totally Anonymous wrote: >> I would like to be totally anonymous since I have a pretty >> great schedule. I am one of 3 music teachers in a large >> elementary school. I see 13 K-3 classes each week for 45 >> minutes each. I also see 4th grade choir twice per week and >> 5th gra...See More
Jun 12, 2015
Also anonymous I teach six 52 minute classes every day. I teach one
K,1,2,3,4,5 everyday. I also have 3 before school duties
of 40 minutes each. I have one planning a week of 40
minutes and also a 30 minute lunch each day. Things used
to be much better. I used to teach three 30 minute classes
a day (k-2) and three 45 minutes classes a day (3-5) but...See More
Jul 3, 2015

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