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Hi all,

This is my second year with the first choir my school has ever had. The first year I had about 20 4th and 5th (total) and this year I have 30. Well, our kids have done an amazing job on their concerts, so now I have over 80 kids signed up for next year!! We do choir during the school day, so I'll probably have 60 4th graders and 20 5th graders. What are your thoughts on how to reign in such a large group? I won't have any assistance. This year, my students did a music listening to start class (with writing), we warmed up, song a round, did some reading music learning (solfege, treble clef, rhythm), then worked on choir material. Ideas?
joyfulmusicteacher Hi, almost 4th year

Will you have daily or weekly instruction? How long do you see your students? If they do not rehearse together, how many full rehearsals will you need to put on concerts?

If you have the time I would work in examples of other choirs for your students. Audio or even You Tube clips. Show them a great, average, an...See More
Jun 19, 2015
Almost 4th year Thanks, JMT.

I'm in a pretty unique situation. We have band, orch, and choir at my school. And 4th and 5th graders choose which one they want to do for their twice weekly music class.

This past year, I had the small groups (15) and orch and band had large groups...sometimes up to 60 kids. We don't have any outside assistance.
...See More
Jun 23, 2015
DonnaR/CA For your listening portion, check out YouTube videos of Indianapolis Children's Choir, San Francisco Girls' Choir, and Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus.

Jun 23, 2015

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