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I have been given a 7th class each day, which will probably include kids who have already been to music that day. Each of these 'enrichment" classes grades 1-5 will meet once a week for 6 weeks then I will get a new set of 5 classes - all year long. The classes need to be something we do not already do in music, and should be fun, exciting, inspiring, etc. Last year they tried this with the classroom teachers teaching and they had a basketball club, chess club, craft clubs, gardening, etc. I don't HAVE to do something music related but it would make sense. I just feel like I already try to do that kind on thing in my regular class, so what could I do that they haven't already been doing? I would love suggestions. Our principal presented this idea in a meeting today and asked us to sign up (today!) for what we would like to teach. My page is blank. I thought that maybe I could teach the "Seize the day" dance from Newsies to the 5th graders, maybe a simplified version, but...See More
Mrs H We have done a similar thing, although ours rotated every 9 weeks. We came up with units that we felt we didn't devote enough time to during the regular school year.

For K and 1st grade, we focused on playing classroom instruments to reinforce steady beat, and singing games. For instruments we used the Joan Winter "Tap Shake and Jing...See More
Aug 14, 2015
bec Thank you Mrs. H. That was exactly the kind of help I was hoping for. Several great ideas there, and I am trying to have a better attitude about this. We have only been in school for 3 days but I am enjoying my students. I am hoping that the day to day will be a lot less stressfull than the start up. Your ideas will help a lot. Muchas gracias!
Aug 26, 2015
Claire One year I taught integrated music and art due to the budget. Food for thought. How about cooking integrated with music or dance?

On 8/13/15, bec wrote: > I have been given a 7th class each day, which will > probably include kids who have already been to music that > day. Each of these 'enrichment" classes grades 1-5 will &g...See More
Aug 26, 2015
Martha I would do a board game club.

On 8/26/15, Claire wrote: > One year I taught integrated music and art due to the budget. > Food for thought. How about cooking integrated with music or > dance? > > On 8/13/15, bec wrote: >> I have been given a 7th class each day, which will >> probably include kids who have alrea...See More
Aug 27, 2015

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