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Hi there.

This is my 20th year in my district. I am a general music teacher K-5 in a building where I see 550 students per week. I also travel to another building for 1 class of another 26 students.

I already feel very disconnected with the other school...then today...after class began, a teacher and 2 hearing impaired students came in and sat down. I said "Hello" reply was "oh, we are here for music and we are joining this class now", I am thinking....well, I have no idea who you are and certainly didn't hear of a schedule change.

I am so frustrated that I was not told ahead of time about this. I certainly don't mind having the students in the class. (teacher and some one else who looks like an instructional assistant stayed during the class) but how about a little bit of advanced notice.

I received my roster for the class....after asking the teacher for one. Didn't know I had a boy in a wheel chair....would have been ...See More
I think your angle is "IEP" legal responsibilities Not only should you be informed ahead of time, you should have been provided with IEP/504 plan information before having these students show up in your classroom.

You are legally obligated to know what is in those documents.

I think this is the angle I would take in talking to administration about this.

It matters.
...See More
Sep 1, 2015
Agreed I totally agree. You should have copies of IEPs and 504s for any students in your class who have those documents, because you are legally responsible to follow their plans. Sometimes I think people think we are just being nosy when we ask for those, but we need to have them! And gosh, they should at least have come on time and introduced themselves...See More
Sep 2, 2015
DonnaR/CA > And gosh, they should at least have come on time and introduced > themselves and the students!

I agree with the IEP/504 plan -- that's a legal thing. You have to work with the teacher/aide to help them modify what you are doing in that classroom, to have it somewhat meaningful for the child. As for the wheelchair, if you teach on ...See More
Sep 4, 2015

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