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Just curious: I starting teaching elementary music in a district that didn't give specials grades. Now I am at a school where last year we gave one grade (4 point scale) for music and had room to write 5 sentences. I got to give a grade and explain it, if it wasn't a 4. Now this year they switched to two general music grades: vocal and instrumental. They also took away our comments.

I'm worried about backlash. I'm giving a lot of 2s. I gave K-2 students a brief echo singing test. (Answer my question with your singing voice.) Even though I give this test multiple times, some students don't ever match pitch or use their singing voice. That's a 2, for me.

Same with instruments. Some students refuse to play the xylophones like they're riding a bike. Some can't repeat simple patterns with hands together and hands apart. Even when I continually repeat the directions and demonstrate on my instrument. Another 2.

Are any of you in a similar situation? Before, I aver...See More
Michele I've seen more and more music teachers giving out their own grade cards. These are usually because there's only one single grade given which doesn't explain anything. Now, this is a lot of work, but if you're organized, it can be done.

If you have an online gradebook that your district uses, you also might be able to lay it out the way you...See More
Oct 8, 2015

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