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I work as an elementary music teacher and my school is preparing for accreditation. For that, they need data collection and I am struggling with documenting what I observe in each class. I do assess students and put it into the grade book, but it is mostly through observation and students doing things hands-on. Other subjects collect data with tests and worksheets. Are there any suggestions in how you show your student's work and progress besides through observation? I do give worksheets sometimes but I feel they only show a small part of what they are actually learning in class. Thanks so much!
Mrs H You can show the rubric you use to assess performance tasks. What we do is different from the regular classroom, so our methods look different, and that's okay! Good luck!
Nov 5, 2015
Charlotte I agree. Share your rubric(s) and maybe show an example of how you keep track of your assessments. You might even do a short write-up of why assessment by observation is the primary way to track student progress in music classes.
Nov 5, 2015

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