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We are rehearsing for a school wide veteran's day program and yesterday got the whole grade level together (6 classes) to practice on the stage. This means that some of them missed their PE class or art class and the emails are coming in about "choir" cutting in to their "specials" time. "Is this true? Please clarify."

Fourth and fifth grade went to the symphony and we have been studying concert etiquette. They are writing (in class time) a short paper about concert etiquette. Admittedly, to encourage participation in our program I told them that if they came to the program and performed that they would not have to write the paper because they would be demonstrating their knowledge in a more authentic way. So now I a punishing the children who do not volunteer to come and sing.

The teachers at our school think that we don't do anything and have complained to the principal that we don't have to tutor so we now have to sub for them when th...See More
Michele Unfortunately, I don't have any answers for you. But, I will stand up on the soap box with you and shout "Amen!" :-)
Nov 6, 2015
Charlotte Your last comment says it for me. I hate advocating purely for the sake of advocating. I do try to maintain a strong presence in the school and give my kids lots of performing opportunities in front of parents, teachers, and admin.

Honestly, other teachers always seem to be the worst offenders here. So unfortunate. Someone mentioned a job...See More
Nov 6, 2015

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