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Hi all,

I forgot to change my handle...this is now my fourth year teaching elementary music! Yeah!

So...head voice singing.

My choir, after 3 years of work, is now singing beautifully. (I started the inaugural choral program here.) classroom students are really having trouble.

And I'm starting to get frustrated.

We do tons of sirens, meows, moos, howls, whale noises, etc. to warm up in every class.

Yet still only 50&37; or less students in each class sing in their head voice.

I've explained it over and over. I'm a man, so I always use my falsetto with the kids. I always stress that it's a light, heady sound.

But kids still refuse to sing there, or they make silly ultra-high sounds.

Any advice?

I'm always praising the ones who sing for the class solo and have great head tone.

Mrs H This is definitely a challenge. I find that I can get almost all my K-2 kids into head voice, but in the middle of 3rd grade, they start to feel more self-conscious. Boys especially have a hard time with it, but even girls. Praise of good singing goes a long way, but it's hard, especially if they haven't been singing with you since K.

Sin...See More
Jan 13, 2016
mdmusic This is always tough. Number one I would recommend that you do not use your falsetto. I am also a male teacher and have had much more success after I stopped. I now teach all my kids, even kindergarten, that I sing with a lower voice. They have to learn to hear their voice in their head and reproduce it. Falsetto often leads to confusion for the ki...See More
Jan 13, 2016

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