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Hi all.

I'm teaching a 2-week ukulele class that will feature stations. Students will alternate between practicing the ukulele, working with me in small groups, and playing games that reinforce treble note names and rhythms.

Last year I used Don't Spill the Beans with rhythm cards and Uno with treble note names written on each card that they had to name to play the card.

I could really use some other ideas for fun stations that also teach note names and rhythms. I don't mind adding rhythm/note name cards into fun board games.

I'm probably going to have 25 students in each class. I'd like 7-8 stations: 3-4 practice, 3 fun games, 1 working with me.

Thanks for any help.
DonnaR/CA > I could really use some other ideas for fun stations that > also teach note names and rhythms. I don't mind adding > rhythm/note name cards into fun board games.

I have some ideas, but they do take some "technology".

If you have computers in your classroom, there are some good websites that they could use. ...See More
Mar 3, 2016
lis If you have any computers, go to the quavermusic website and let them choose games on it. It's a great resource. You will need to figure out the best way for them to log in b/c they need a login and password.

There are also some cute note-naming worksheets that could be used in one station. Good luck!

On 2/29/16, 4th Year wrote:...See More
Mar 4, 2016

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