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Our school just finished school-wide lessons about compassion in our character education program. In my kinder classroom, I taught the song "Don't Laugh at Me", by Steve Seskin. I used Steve's lyrics, not the ones used by Mark Wills or Peter-Paul-and-Mary, because they were more "elementary friendly" in one area.

Now I am on the search for a song about justice and fairness, for our next character trait. I would prefer one that is more of a real song, rather than a "contrived song" like the ones used by Harry Kindergarten, Red Grammer, etc. If anyone has any ideas, I'd sure love it. But it does have to be easily understood by 5 and 6 year olds.

I've already got one for the character trait after that, which is Perseverance. My thought? Frank Sinatra's "High Hopes". You know the song, about the ant who couldn't move a rubber tree plant but did it anyway.


Mrs H What about the civil rights movement songs? It would take a little explaining, but something like Down By the Riverside could work. Laying down your sword and shield to stop fighting could relate to justice. We Shall Not Be Moved, maybe? Freedom Train, or We Shall Overcome?
Mar 30, 2016
DonnaR/CA On 3/30/16, Mrs H wrote: > What about the civil rights movement songs? It would take a > little explaining, but something like Down By the Riverside > could work. Laying down your sword and shield to stop > fighting could relate to justice. We Shall Not Be Moved, > maybe? Freedom Train, or We Shall Overcome?

These are actual...See More
Apr 1, 2016
Donna Ransdell On 4/01/16, DonnaR/CA wrote: > On 3/30/16, Mrs H wrote: >> What about the civil rights movement songs?

Back to Square One, with Fairness. We are teaching about impartiality, i.e. fairness in class, on the playground, etc., rather than social justice. That was made politely clear from my principal, who does love the idea of songs ...See More
Apr 5, 2016
Bev Iris I have used this CD and accompanying books for many years
for character education. Well worth the investment!

The Perseverance one is terrific.

The only one I don't like is the one about Sharing. It's
kinda cheesy.

The songs are VERY accessible, and the wee ones through
3rd graders love them.

I hope ...See More
Apr 27, 2016
AM Just so you know I am not a teacher and I have not listened to these songs. You can search for whatever the monthly theme is and I'm sure you'll find something.

When my son was little we had a word of the week. I had a white board on the kitchen door where I would write the word and a simple d...See More
Apr 28, 2016

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