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How do you store recorders where the mouthpieces do not touch. The bags they come in get all torn up - does anyone have any suggestions. We tried using a plastic bag with a rubber band to cover the mouthpiece but a parent objected to it. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks
Michele Gary, I've never found the perfect way to handle this, but I have a few suggestions that might work for you.

Go to a liquor store and get some of their empty boxes from wine or liquor bottles. They have the extra cardboard organizer inside to separate the bottles. You should be able to find one with 12 or 16 holes in it. Cover it with cont...See More
Apr 5, 2016
catmeows On 4/05/16, Michele wrote: > Gary, > I've never found the perfect way to handle this, but I have a > few suggestions that might work for you. > > Go to a liquor store and get some of their empty boxes from > wine or liquor bottles. They have the extra cardboard > organizer inside to separate the bottles. You should be able >...See More
Apr 5, 2016
DonnaR/CA > I hang a shoe bag on the wall with Commando hooks. Each > recorder goes into one of the shoe spaces. If you are > interested in putting them into something, some of my kids > who have lost their bags use a tubesock. They write their > name on it with a Sharpie. Also look on Pinterest for ideas. > I have one where you use an old ...See More
Apr 5, 2016

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