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I am at a year-round school that started at the end of July and finishes at the end of June. I just completed the whole year of Gameplan lessons with all my classes and there is still a month of school! Does anyone have any ideas for 4 45-minute lessons to end the year? Mallet Madness was one idea I had, but I do not have a lot of Orff instruments. I do have room to dance. Thank you.
catmeows On 5/13/16, Scott wrote: > Hello. > > I am at a year-round school that started at the end of July > and finishes at the end of June. I just completed the whole > year of Gameplan lessons with all my classes and there is > still a month of school! Does anyone have any ideas for 4 > 45-minute lessons to end the year? Mallet Madne...See More
May 13, 2016

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