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I have been teaching music (we're talking Elementary General Music, Junior High Ensembles, High School Ensembles and Choir, Orchestra, and anything else) at a very small private school for the last 2 years. Currently, I'm working on semester plans for next year. What is the best way you have found to grade student's subjective performances/achievement during class? I have tried a couple different things, but nothing has worked very well especially when trying to stand up to parents' probing questions. I'm thankful for any ideas you can give me.
Elisa Jones Last year I did a two-part assessment with my students, just the last day before the end of the semester. On one side I had them do a self-assessment that had them grade themselves on a 0-4 scale with how successful they were in each thing, and I phrased it similar to: "I listen to the teacher when she speaks", with 0 being "Never&qu...See More
Jun 24, 2016

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