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I have taught music at the same Elementary school for 18 years. I have always taught non graded K-6. This year is a huge transitional year for us because we are adding 7th grade as the beginning of the process of adding a middle school. In our district students in middle school are graded in music. I will have a beginning 7th grade choir this year. What do you base your grades on in this grade level choir? I would appreciate any advice as my principal has asked for a written grade rubric.
chiara maria On 7/31/16, Leslie wrote: > I have taught music at the same Elementary school for 18 > years. I have always taught non graded K-6. This year > is a huge transitional year for us because we are adding > 7th grade as the beginning of the process of adding a > middle school. In our district students in middle school > are graded in m...See More
Aug 2, 2016
Angela I taught beginning Chorus (grades for several years - I can email you the copies of my grading standards sheets and rubric. my email address is

7th graders have some hormone issues, and 8th graders are worse! Their bodies are changing, their emotions are raring up, it is nuts! (but the kids are a lot of fun.)

...See More
Aug 5, 2016
DonnaR/CA When I taught middle school chorus, they had daily points to earn. Participation was the major deal -- they could earn up to 20 points each day. They lost points for talking between songs, etc.

They also got points for participation in the performances. Because they were mostly in the evenings, I was not supposed to grade heavily for the ...See More
Aug 6, 2016
Leslie Donna, Thanks! This gave me a few things to think about!
Aug 7, 2016
Brenda Leslie, I have not taught 7th grade chorus, but I have taught chorus at the elementary, HS, and college level for a total of 40 years. I think there are several things you can do to ensure your students' success and your valid assessment of their progress. Here are my thoughts: (1) Have both long-range and short-range goals. Grades will be easier t...See More
Aug 15, 2016

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