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I teach large music ensembles for 20min blocks. Each time the kids rehearse we get a total of 20 min. I'm looking for a QUICK solution to take attendance for @100 kids. My thought was generating a QR code for each of them to tape to the back of their music folder that I could just scan as they walk in the door? Sounds like a great idea, right? Unfortunately, I have no idea how to actually make it happen. Anyone have any experience with this, or maybe another idea? Any suggestion is welcome and appreciated! Thanks. -Rich
Veuzent While on the surface this sounds like a great idea but can you imagine how long it will take you to stand at the door while 100 students pass by one at a time? If you teach an instrumental music class I don't see how everyone could even assemble their instruments, practice, and clean and put away their instruments in only 20 minutes. Hmmm. . . . ...See More
Aug 3, 2016
Veuzent Also, it might be useful to know grades/ages of student and what you teach in your classes - choral? instrumental and kind?, etc.
Aug 3, 2016
Techi I have large somewhat unstructured drama classes. I put numbers on the backs of chairs. Everyone's in their seat when the bell rings. just look for the numbers you can see and mark them absent. Takes less than a minute.

On 8/02/16, Rich wrote: > I teach large music ensembles for 20min blocks. Each > time the kids rehearse we get a to...See More
Aug 13, 2016

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