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Can anyone give me suggestions of easy songs to use so I can check if the student can carry a harmony part. Also suggestions as how to do this with a large group. Thanks.
Use a round It will show up right away who can do it or not, and you only have to teach one thing.

In a large group have everyone sing first, and the "testee" come in alone (you can use a large cardboard tube put up to your ear to be able to hear them in isolation.

On 8/14/16, Gary wrote: > Can anyone give me suggestions of easy ...See More
Aug 14, 2016
Angela "My County tis of thee" worked well individually with my 6th graders. I would play crazy nonsense on the piano while they sang. Also, I would teach the harmony to the whole class until they heard it as "the melody," (including where their notes occurred in the accompianment (sp), and only after they all had it cold would I teach...See More
Aug 21, 2016

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