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I am trying to find bins for my room to store small percussion. I'd like it to look uniform and am wondering what brand you use or how you store your insts. I want to keep a cover/lid on the bins.

DonnaR/CA In my 9 years teaching elementary music, I had about 5 different classrooms and each of them had different storage available to me. I had two favorite ways:

My absolute favorite was the year I inherited an old science lab cabinet on wheels. Inside it were shelves and little bins. The shelves held the larger items, and the bins were perfect...See More
Sep 7, 2016
Garland/GA Mine are in 24x14x11 bins (according to the label). Mine are clear and I have several hand drums, maracas, tambourines, and the like. For class sets:I keep my rhythm sticks in a drawstring bag, sleigh bells in a plastic shoebox, and my shaker eggs in a heavy duty ziploc.

On 9/07/16, DonnaR/CA wrote: > In my 9 years teaching elementary ...See More
Sep 7, 2016

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