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Hi all,

I got suckered into my school's preference for pop tunes for schoolwide (1-8) concerts, especially for the MS... I found a version of "Someday at Christmas" (Stevie Wonder song from the 60s brought back last year).... I love the words, but knew it would be difficult, but getting the seventh-graders to sing it well is proving to be an impossible task. For the first time ever I'm actually even considering playing the recording with the voices for their performance. Has anyone done this song successfully? Any preferred arrangement? Any tips for helping them navigate the frequent key changes? I'd hate to scratch the song entirely, but hate even more if it was absolutely atrocious. I'm actually surprised at myself that I caved in to the "pop-preference" pressure. Or perhaps to be fairer that I let my love for the words (esp. at this time in history) distract me from the song difficulty.

Any advice would be most welcome! Have a great Thanksgiving...See More

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