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Hello this my first time teaching. Currently I am teaching recorder to 2nd and 3rd grade students. There is a concert next week and I want them to play christmas song but when I look at the internet the notes are too hard. So what should I do? They have just learned how to play BAG and eighth notes so what kind of music should they play for the concert. Need help what kind of song to play and if you have music sheets then it be cool
BAG... First off - lesson learned that you need to plan much farther ahead. Choosing a song for a concert NEXT WEEK??

That said, a few possibilities:

March from the Nutcracker. They play G GGG a a b g a (repeat) then fill in the rest of the melody on the piano.

African Noel GGG aaa BBAG

Jolly Old St Nicholas BBBBAAAGGGG...See More
Nov 17, 2016

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