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K-12 school teachers are invited to apply for the four- week Summer Institute for School Teachers on Johann Sebastian Bach and the Music of the Reformation Church from June 26 – July 21, 2017. The Institute will take place in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, home of the first Bach Choir in the United States.

The Institute is hosted by Moravian College and is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The 25 Summer Scholars will arrive on Sunday, June 25, 2017, and leave after noon on Friday, July 21, 2017. The first day of the Institute is Monday, June 26, 2017. Each Summer Scholar will receive a stipend of $3300. All stipends are taxable and intended to defray travel and living expenses.

The primary focus of this Institute is to understand the intellectual and musical worlds of J. S. Bach. In addition, taking as points of departure the 600th anniversary of the death of one of the first pre- Reformation martyrs associated with the Moravian Church, Jan Hus (d. 141...See More

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