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Our district is asking us to teach a song and warm up to our students in 3-4th grades and then audition and report on the singing ability of each one of them (I have 260 kids at that level). I was overwhelmed by this task - have before and after school duties and really no time to do this so I decided to at least start during class time. We turned it into "Who is the bravest kid in the class?" and asked for volunteers. We were all very positive and supportive and after they had all sung I confessed that now I could tell them that I NEVER would have been able to do what they did at that age - that they were amazing! We all had a good laugh over that and how I had "tricked" them. The first couple of times I let the last few "volunteers" sing in twos or threes but after three weeks they are all wanting to be first. The amazing thing is that I have to keep changing their score because they are improving every time they solo - some of them dramatically. Even wh...See More
Mrs H That is fantastic! I love the idea that they are so excited to sing by themselves. My 4th graders especially are very reluctant to sing alone. I have a couple questions. First, how much class time are you using out of each lesson to do this? Second, how are you going to approach those students who do not volunteer? Third, is the data you collect go...See More
yesterday, 2017

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