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Hi. I'm about to coach a grades 4-6 bball (boys) team.
I've coached before and know by now that my one area of
weakness is running "plays". I just want to have 2 or 3
tried and true set ups to help run the ball and make us
look a little fancy out there. Any suggestions would be
appreciated, or direct me to some good 'sites. Thanks!
Paco /blockquote>

On 2/07/08, Steve wrote:
> Hi. I'm about to coach a grades 4-6 bball (boys) team.
> I've coached before and know by now that my one area of
> weakness is running "plays". I just want to have 2 or 3
> tried and true set ups to help run the ball and make us
> look a little fancy out there. A...See More
Feb 16, 2008

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