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I am looking for advice and suggestions especially from an
PE teachers working in non-standard curriculum private
schools, or indeed any suggestions relevant to this
I have started teaching PE at a boys independent public
(ie private/ fee-paying) school in the UK, for ages 14-18,
where the sports curriculum is quite old-fashioned, and
being younger myself find some of the methods unusual. I
have some degree of freedom to make changes, but older
members of staff are quite stuck in their ways. Compulsory
sport is a big part of the boarding school life, right the
way through.
The main sports are rugby, hockey, cricket and running.
Pe lessons are compulsory too for all years, though there
is some resentment among the 6th formers that they
shouldn't have to do so much - in fact the amount of
compulsory sport increases rather than decreases the older
they get, though there is more fr...See More
PhilE /blockquote>

I can certainly relate to this system as a sports coach in a
UK private high school. I don't think you need worry too
much - physical punishment has remained part of the ethos in
many such schools, though it now takes the form of exercise -
which is of course also a positive thing. Regarding
archaism, in...See More
Feb 14, 2008
Joe It actually seems that boys often have to do PE shirtless in the UK. Have a look at this teacher training video on youtube:

[link removed]

Is this specific to UK or does it happen in other schools in Europe?

On 2/14/08, PhilE wrote: > I can certainly relate to this system as a sports coach in a > UK private high sch...See More
Mar 8, 2009

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