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I teach in a one-room school. This year I have 15 students grades 1,3,4,5,6,7,&8. The thrust of our Phy ed class is personal fitness, but it is nice to have some games to teach that the whole group can play together. Last year the favorite was rainbow tag, the year before was octopus and Jedi ball. We need to expand our pool of activities! We don't have a gym, but have some equipment - basketball hoop, volleyball/badmiton net, balls, gloves, bat, jump ropes, frisbees & frisbee golf thing, stacking cups, small parachute. Funny thing - all these choices, they love to play run and chase games - no equipment involved!

Help - I am at a loss!

carol/kr Donna, I have a bunch of games on my carolgoodrow author site (club page) and on the [link removed]

> Donna
Aug 4, 2008
Dick M Hi Donna,

Elves, Wizards and Giants might work with your group. You can read an explanation and see an illustrative video by clicking the link below. The students in the video are all older, but the game should work with a range of ages.

Cheers, Dick

On 8/04/08, Donna/WI wrote: > I teach in a one-room school. This y...See More
Sep 16, 2008

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