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Hi everyone! I am a secondary school teacher of French and visual arts and I am interested to become a phys ed teacher. What sort of degree could I do? What do I need to do knowing that I have a Master degree in teaching and experience in teaching, though not phys ed.. What do i need to do, a bachelor degrees or would i be able to do some modules/ components of studies in phys ed subject at a university? Someone help me thanks! [email removed]
Slippy On 3/17/09, Pascal wrote: > Hi everyone! I am a secondary school teacher of French and > visual arts and I am interested to become a phys ed > teacher. What sort of degree could I do? What do I need to > do knowing that I have a Master degree in teaching and > experience in teaching, though not phys ed.. What do i > need to do, a ...See More
Apr 5, 2009

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