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What are you doing in gym classes these days? Any good indoor winter games? Presently, I am assessing ball skills like throwing and catching. I should probably go on and assess kicking skills next. Do any of you know some good kicking games (not soccer)for 4 and 5 yr olds? Where I am it's still too cold to go out with the balls. Do you know of a good sites for seeking out ideas for k gym classes? Cfor
PedagoNet Try thes
Feb 9, 2010
Thank you On 2/07/10, Cfor wrote: > What are you doing in gym classes these days? > Any good indoor winter games? Presently, I am assessing > ball skills like throwing and catching. I should probably > go on and assess kicking skills next. Do any of you know > some good kicking games (not soccer)for 4 and 5 yr olds? > Where I am it's still ...See More
Feb 15, 2010

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