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We believe the best way to get students to become more active participants in the classroom is to excite them about being physically active through games. The purpose of the Hantis Action Pack is just that – To show you how to excite your students through learning and playing a new sport. Sharing the sport has been our mission because it’s easy to pick up, lots of fun to play, and great for developing core motor skills. Whether you’re a P.E. Instructor or Recreation Coordinator, this packet is designed to help you quickly setup and start playing at any time. Four tables and one tennis ball is all the equipment needed in your facility to play. We’ve included two tennis balls for convenience. To begin, watch the instructional video and/or share it with your students. Then, setup and play! You and your students will benefit from learning something new that provokes teamwork, honesty, and fun for all.

All you’ll need to play is four similar shaped tables. Round, Rectang...See More

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