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I was hoping to take an informal survey of schools that offer Summer P.E. I teach in SW PA and our school has been offering secondary PE during the summer for 14 days (2 1/2 hours daily)to count as a credit for the entire school year. I am totally opposed to this offering and wanted to gather some info. to present to our administration. Please respond with: school, state, yes/no, length of course, offered as remidiation/full credit/etc... Thanks!
Jon-Erik Borgersen I feel it is a good idea only if it is added to the yearly curiculum. The students should still need to complete physical education class during the year but in the summer they have a chance to raise their grade/boost (extra credit) for the year to come. It should be the length of summer school (1 month or so) and be a voluntary activity where stud...See More
Sep 18, 2012
Joe Maci On 5/16/12, Joe Pergar wrote: > I was hoping to take an informal survey of schools that > offer Summer P.E. I teach in SW PA and our school has been > offering secondary PE during the summer for 14 days (2 1/2 > hours daily)to count as a credit for the entire school > year. I am totally opposed to this offering and wanted to > gat...See More
Sep 20, 2012

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