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As the Republicans plan cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and more so they can give more tax cuts to the rich - America is not overtaxed - here is what a "Progressive budget would include. From the article below:

1. A $2 trillion investment in America's energy, water, and transportation systems.

2. Higher taxes on Wall Street firms and corporations that offshore jobs.

3. A minimum wage hike and stronger union rights.

4. Expansion of mental health treatment and lower prescription drug costs.

5. Public funding of campaigns to curb corporate influence in elections.

6. Rein in "excessive CEO pay for defense contractors."

7. Audit the Pentagon budget.

8. Make debt free college "a reality for all students."

So what is wrong here? This is the re-regulation of capitalism. Without more reforms we will, in a few years, see the rich once again capture the government, de-regulate, and we will be back where we are right now ...See More

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