Some suggestions would be to have the activities you do in the mornings available as choices in centers in the afternoons so they can still interact with any math/science/or other process skills you work on in the mornings.
In addition, perhaps you can coordinate your themes and/or some of the concept skills with the title 1 program.
I'm also wondering if the title 1 program teacher would be open to a phone consult with you so you can coordinate and/or support what these children are learning if necessary?
On 9/09/14, Rachael wrote: > I need some help. I found out my private school is > getting a Title I Pre-K program through the city. 8/13 > children will be taken out of my classroom for 2 1/2 > hours every morning. By the time they come back, they > will need to eat lunch and rest. I will only see them > for about 1 1/2 in the afternoon. How do I plan so that > I can keep everyone on the same page?
I am trying to gather information on various Pre-k curriculums. If you have a curriculum that you love or one that you hate, please let me know your thoughts
Have you thought of having her illustrating her own book and then adding the words to the story. This could be done in stages depending of her ability to work independently.
On 9/03/14, Claire wrote: > craft store to have a 40% or 50% on one item then I purchase one > of their rolls for a reduced price. Occasionally I will purchase > at Walmart in their fabric section. They also sell in other > departments especially when college starts up. > Another good use for those random sections is to put them > underneath on the edge of tables, chairs or desks. Kids that are > fidgety, have ADHD, etc seem to find it comforting. Don't say a > word to the kids and just observe.
Thanks so much, we at Sesame Street gre...See Morereschool Teachers, Do you know any parents of a 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 year-old child who would be interested in participating in a 6 week research project with Sesame Street, Kidaptive & Playscience? If so, could you pass the link below on to them?
I need some very simple ideas to bring to my young 3's class about Columbus Day. I would appreciate any thoughts or activities that you have found successful I do believe that this is way too above this age of children, my school is requiring it. I will definately make the boats with them but would like some books, or other idea. Thank you,
There are TONS of letter H lesson and activity ideas collected from here and the K board, in the lesson bank. (When you need something for a lesson, search the lesson bank. There are thousands of entries!) add the h t t p / / to this: - Letter H lessons
If you’re a teacher who's prone to sore throats or laryngitis, especially common during the back-to-school period, you might want to give these tips a try.
Some suggestions would be to have the activities you do in the mornings available as choices in centers in the afternoons so they can still interact with any math/science/or other process skills you work on ...See More