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For the first time ever in 8 years, I seriously questioned whether or not I can make 25 years in this field. I teach first grade, and today I feel totally burned out. I have had the same type of classroom for 7 years...most all of the CST children and other children with behavior/family baggage problems. I just feel like all day long I am constantly talking to a specific 2-3 kids and I can't stand it anymore. I talked with a veteran and I know I should focus on the positive and the children that do do a good job. I just had to vent....feeling beat up and bad.:(
Gracie I am so sorry you are feeling so badly. First of all, have you had conferences with the parents with the 2-3 of the kids that are causing problems and telling them about the issues?

I suggest having the student out of earshot for the first part of the conference and then present for the second part. Try to set up a plan for home - school ...See More
Mar 19, 2009

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