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At the 5 hour faculty meeting this week, the new principal said we must arrive 30 minutes before the bell. It has been 15 minutes for decades. The teachers with kids to get to daycare will really be pressed for time.
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wondering... br> > Why not suggest that those of you without young kids will be > there 30 minutes ahead and look after all the kids until the > teachers with young kids can get there?

Will teachers without young kids be able to leave sooner after school, since their time was given before morning classes began?

At my school all st...See More
Sep 11, 2009
OP Yes, we are thankful that we have jobs. And I am thankful that we have after school care to watch the late pickups.

The issue is not who is watching the students before classes start, as they are all in the gym being supervised by a paid adult. It has always been the teachers' thinking that arrival and departure time are flexible to a poin...See More
Sep 12, 2009
They are reasonable times I know it is a change from what you are used to and as you said, you will adjust. We have to be at school by 8 AM for devos. School starts at 8:45. We have to stay until 4. School gets out at 3:45. That makes for an 8 hour day.
Oct 4, 2009
Fitz Is not the real question what is the purpose of coming in earlier? And did the principal think of the ramifications for teachers with day care issues? I liked everyone's solutions. Perhaps the 'new' principal should have had a brainstorming meeting with the faculty.

To be thankful - one of the biggest drawbacks to teaching in private/paroc...See More
Oct 6, 2009
OP As stated in my reply, she is coming in late several times a week (all past principals arrived 20-30 minutes before the bell). I just found out that on the day of her interview, she was 45 minutes late. The change in arrival time is one of the small conplaints, the ones that have happened since then are huge, and will be posted when it is resolved.
Oct 11, 2009

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